
This function uses fetch to hit the PUT relays endpoint of a didery server. The PUT history endpoint updates trusted servers. This function is asynchronous.


putRelays has two required parameters. First is a data parameter that takes an object with the following format:

    "changed": datetime string,
    "host_address": URL string,
    "main": boolean,
    "name": name string,
    "port": port string

Second is a uid paramter that takes a uid string of the server to be updated. There is also an optional base URL parameter. This is a string of the server’s base URL. The default base URL is the localhost at port 8080.


putRelays returns a promise that when fulfilled returns the server’s response to the fetch operation.


const didery = require('didery');

let baseURL = "http://myDideryServer.com";
let data = {
    "changed": "2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "host_address": "",
    "main": true,
    "name": "alpha",
    "port": "7541"
let uid = "1";
didery.putRelays(data, uid, baseURL).then(function (response) {
     // Do something with response
}).catch(function (error) {