
This function uses fetch to hit the POST blobs endpoint of a didery server. The POST blobs endpoint saves new encrypted private key blobs. Data posted to the servers will be verified against signatures. If any discrepancies are found the operation will fail. This function is asynchronous.


postBlobs has two required parameters. First is a signature string that will be placed in the required signature header. This string should be of the format:



'signer="AeYbsHot0pmdWAcgTo5sD8iAuSQAfnH5U6wiIGpVNJQQoYKBYrPPxAoIc1i5SHCIDS8KFFgf8i0tDq8XGizaCg=="; kind="ed25519"; ...'

Second is an object containing the data to be posted. This data object should be of the format:

    "blob": encrypted blob,
    "changed": datetime string,
    "id": DID string

There is also an optional base URL parameter. This is a string of the server’s base URL. The default base URL is the localhost at port 8080.


postBlobs returns a promise that when fulfilled returns the server’s response to the fetch operation.


const didery = require('didery');

let baseURL = "";
let signature = 'signer="AeYbsHot0pmdWAcgTo5sD8iAuSQAfnH5U6wiIGpVNJQQoYKBYrPPxAoIc1i5SHCIDS8KFFgf8i0tDq8XGizaCg==";';
let data = {
     "blob": "AeYbsHot0pmdWAcgTo5sD8iAuSQAfnH5U6wiIGpVNJQQoYKBYrPPxAoIc1i5SHCIDS8KFFgf8i0tDq8XGizaCgo9yjuKHHNJZFi0QD9K6Vpt6fP0XgXlj8z_4D-7s3CcYmuoWAh6NVtYaf_GWw_2sCrHBAA2mAEsml3thLmu50Dw",
     "changed": "2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
     "id": "did:dad:Qt27fThWoNZsa88VrTkep6H-4HA8tr54sHON1vWl6FE="
didery.postBlobs(signature, data, baseURL).then(function (response) {
     // Do something with response
}).catch(function (error) {