
This function performs a key inception event. In an inception event two keys pairs are created (either manually or automatically generated). The first key pair represents the current key which can be used to sign data. The second key pair represents the pre-rotated key which will replace the current key on a rotation event. An immutable DID is also created from the current key pair. This is used to prove data provenance and track key history. This function also contains a number of options for managing the newly created key pairs and DID. One can post the key data to one or more didery servers, as well as show or save the private keys and DID.


keyInceptionEvent has one optional parameter which is an object containing various options. The possible options are as follows:

Option Description
currentSeed A 32 byte Uint8Array or string used as the seed for current key pair generation.
preRotatedSeed A 32 byte Uint8Array or string used as the seed for pre-rotated key pair generation.
currentKeyPair An array with a 64 byte Uint8Array of a private key and 32 byte Uint8Array of a public key. This key pair will be used as the current key pair.
preRotatedKeyPair An array with a 64 byte Uint8Array of a private key and 32 byte Uint8Array of a public key. This key pair will be used as the pre-rotated key pair.
post A boolean for whether or not key data should be posted to a didery server. If true at least one url must be provided.
urls An array of comma separated server URLs strings.
saveCurrent A boolean for whether or not the current private key should be saved somewhere. If true a storage location must be provided.
savePreRotated A boolean for whether or not the pre-rotated private key should be saved somewhere. If true a storage location must be provided.
saveDid A boolean for whether or not the DID should be saved somewhere. If true a storage location must be provided.
storageCurrent The current private key storage location; Accepted values include “local”, “session” or “download”.
storagePreRotated The pre-rotated private key storage location; Accepted values include “local”, “session” or “download”.
storageDid The DID storage location; Accepted values include “local”, “session” or “download”.
showCurrent A boolean for whether or not to show the current private key in an alert.
showPreRotated A boolean for whether or not to show the pre-rotated private key in an alert.
showDid A boolean for whether or not to show the DID in an alert.


keyInceptionEvent returns a promise that when fulfilled returns an array with the current key pair and the pre-rotated key pair: [[[Uint8Array[current private], [Uint8Array[current public]], [[Uint8Array[pre-rotated private], [Uint8Array[pre-rotated public]]].


const didery = require('didery');

let options = {};
options.currentSeed = "FQOyBGgEx4Yp4fN36DuFmjW1k7qKOVoe";
options.preRotatedSeed = "FQOyBGgEx4Yp4fN36DuFmjW1k7qKOVoe";
didery.keyInceptionEvent(options).then(function (response) {
// [[Uint8Array[70,81,79,121,66,71,103,69,120,52,89,112,52,102,78,51,54,68,117,70,109,106,87,49,107,55,113,75,79,86,
// 111,101,167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,161,11,216,134,159,167,151,183,94,25,189,11,128,
// 151,39,237], Uint8Array[167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,161,11,216,134,159,167,151,183,
// 94,25,189,11,128,151,39,237]], [Uint8Array[70,81,79,121,66,71,103,69,120,52,89,112,52,102,78,51,54,68,117,70,109,
// 106,87,49,107,55,113,75,79,86,111, 101,167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,161,11,216,134,
// 159,167,151,183,94,25,189,11,128,151,39,237], Uint8Array[167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,
// 161,11,216,134,159,167,151,183,94,25,189,11,128,151,39,237]]]

options = {};
options.currentSeed = "FQOyBGgEx4Yp4fN36DuFmjW1k7qKOVoe";
options.preRotatedSeed = "FQOyBGgEx4Yp4fN36DuFmjW1k7qKOVoe"; = true;
options.urls = [""];
options.saveCurrent = true;
options.savePreRotated = true;
options.saveDid = true;
options.storageCurrent = "local";
options.storagePreRotated = "local";
options.storageDid ="local";
options.showCurrent = false;
options.showPreRotated = false;
options.showDid = false;
didery.keyInceptionEvent(options).then(function (response) {
// [[Uint8Array[70,81,79,121,66,71,103,69,120,52,89,112,52,102,78,51,54,68,117,70,109,106,87,49,107,55,113,75,79,86,
// 111,101,167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,161,11,216,134,159,167,151,183,94,25,189,11,128,
// 151,39,237], Uint8Array[167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,161,11,216,134,159,167,151,183,
// 94,25,189,11,128,151,39,237]], [Uint8Array[70,81,79,121,66,71,103,69,120,52,89,112,52,102,78,51,54,68,117,70,109,
// 106,87,49,107,55,113,75,79,86,111, 101,167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,161,11,216,134,
// 159,167,151,183,94,25,189,11,128,151,39,237], Uint8Array[167,185,202,28,236,26,127,61,230,20,129,200,113,50,88,24,
// 161,11,216,134,159,167,151,183,94,25,189,11,128,151,39,237]]]